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CityA.M: Salesforce and Oracle accused of breaching GDPR in €10bn lawsuit

op 14 augustus 2020


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This article was originally published on City A.M

A class-action lawsuit has accused tech giants Oracle and Salesforce of breaching EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in their processing and sharing of data for advertising purposes.

Non-profit organisation The Privacy Collective, which filed the lawsuit, alleged the two companies are misusing consumers' personal data through their third-party cookies Bluekai and Krux, which used for dynamic ad pricing services.

It said the class-action lawsuit, filed today in Amsterdam with a similar claim to be filed at the High Court in London later this month, could cost Oracle and Salesforce up to €10bn.

The Privacy Collective said the Dutch case is the biggest-ever class action in the Netherlands over a violation of GDPR.

Oracle and Salesforce's cookies are hosted on a number of popular websites, including Comparethemarket, Dropbox,, Ikea and Twitch.

The Privacy Collective accused the tech giants of breaking GOPR rules by allegedly facilitating sales via harmful ads, holding personal information that consumers did not proactively consent to sharing, and inconsistently securing personal data.

"Everyone who has ever used the internet is at risk from this technology. It may be largely hidden but it is far from harmless," said Or Rebecca Rumbul, class representative and a claimant on the suit in England and Wales. 

"Everyone who has ever used the internet is at risk from this technology" said Rebecca Rumbul, class representative and a claimant on the suit in England and Wales

"If data collected from internet use is not adequately controlled, it can be used to facilitate highly targeted marketing that may expose vulnerable minors to unsuitable content, fuel unhealthy habits such as online gambling or prey on other addictions."

Cookies such as Bluekai and Krux are hosted on websites and then, with their consent, stored on a user's device to track and monitor their behaviour online.


Read the full article on CityA.M.

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